Bank Guarantee

Bank Guarantee:

IMPORTANT: We do not issue financial instruments, but we can refer you to some of our credible partners with large experience in the sector.

Bank Instruments BG SBLC

  • BG / SBLC: A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) and Bank Guarantee (BG) is a payment guarantee generally issued by a bank “the issuing bank” on behalf of a client “the applicant” securing payment to a third party “the beneficiary” in the event the buyer fail to fulfill a contractual commitment the issuing bank will release payment to the seller.

Bank Instruments

  • Bank Instruments: Bank Instruments – is the process of liquidating bank instruments BG SBLC by converting into cash or cash equivalent. When buyers issue Bank Guarantees in favor of seller they demonstrate financial capability to fulfill a contractual obligation. BG also provide payment security to the supplier as he/she prepare to deliver the product to delivery port. The proposed Bank Guarantee facilitate international transactions, as collateral and credit enhancement. The use of Bank Guarantees provides an advantage to buyers or traders who do not want to make down payment to the seller. BG provide fair trade opportunity to pay for the product on delivery at unloading port.

Payment Guarantee

  • Payment Guarantee: Payment Guarantee can be issued under Buyer’s instruction in favor of the Seller. Provides payment obligation for the Buyer under a proposed contract.

Performance Bond

  • Performance Bond: Issued under the Seller’s instructions in favor of the Buyer as a guarantee of proper fulfillment of contract obligations by the Seller.

Bank Instruments:

  • Bank instruments:
  • – MT-760 Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)
  • – MT-760 Bank Guarantee (BG)
  • – MT-799 Proof of Funds (POF) / (Blocked Funds)
  • – Documentary Letter of Credit (DLC)